House System

House System in Vidyagram

VIDYAGRAM is primarily a residential School for Girls and Boys. The school has Eight houses with a capacity of 450 boarders. The Students are accommodated in various houses according to the needs of each age group. They are looked after by competent and experienced house masters who are teachers.
There are five house blocks in the school two for juniors and three for seniors. Each block is divided into three sections (Houses) one on ground floor and the others on first & second floor each. Each House has a Housemaster in residence, in addition to tutors also living in Houses. In each house there is a House Attendant. In Junior Houses matrons are also attached. Each house has a solar heating system installed at the top, for supply of hot water and RO Water Plant for supplying drinking water. In the evening after Games and before Prep (study) all students have a short prayer meditation session (Sandhya) house-wise every day. On every Sunday, Hawan is spiritually performed in one of the House Complexes.
The daily routine starts in the morning with a warming up session of physical exercises and yoga.
Breakfast is followed by the daily assembly, prayers, awareness of current affairs and importance of the day.
Academic sessions forming the core of activities start immediately thereafter.
A short rest follows lunch and soon the campus starts humming again. It is time for computers hands-on, library study, tutorials, hobby, clubs & societies, horse-ridding, skating and so on.
By evening, the sports complex becomes the focus. Each student must take part in one game or the other. Expert coaches guide and watch the performance.
After dusk the time for entertainment follows. A modern projection Video system screens appropriate films on a large screen on scheduled dates. Cultural programmes are prepared and friendships strengthened. Common room activities are arranged for students in their respective houses.
Dinner is followed by study time under guidance. A day full of hectic activity ends. New hopes and new horizons, fill the young mind. It may be a picnic or excursion tomorrow, a special sports event, the visit of an important guest, a pending project to be completed or a letter to be written. Happy, positive thoughts are soon engulfed by sound sleep.